. . . for the big "Candidates' Forum" hosted by the Chamber of Commerce, but a total of about five audience members, all of whom were CoC members and/or Deckard supporters, and one candidate (Deckard) had shown up by then.
I wasn't going to get into a confrontation with him in front of only his supporters, so I didn't ask the question.
I left instead.
But on the way out, I had some fun.
After exiting the building, I put "Vote For Change" flyers under the wipers on all the Missouri automobiles on the way to my car.
I'll try to post pictures of it soon.
UPDATE: See those little white flyers under the windshield wipers on the cars?

They are these:

Labels: Allen Deckard, election, grassroots, mayor's race
# posted by The Last American @ 8:47 AM