It will depend on whether or not the Quill and/or the Allen Deckard Mouthpiece show up to cover the event.
If they do, I'll ask it. If they don't, I won't.
If I ask it, I don't want to cover the forum in the Hill 'n Holler. I'm not comfortable writing articles in which I am a part of the news. It feels too much like conflict of interest and self-promotion.
If they do cover the event, I'll ask it and not cover the event.
Anyway, here's the question:
This question is for the incumbents:
While you have been in office, I have seen Bob Grimes and Allen Deckard team up at a city council meeting to ambush and berate a citizen for having the audacity to talk to his state representative.
I have seen you, Bob Grimes, express a desire for people to "shut up," just because they want to hold their government accountable, and you have told at least one citizen to "get a life" when she tried to hold you to doing only what the council voted to do. Then you whined to her, "Why won't people just leave me alone and let me do my job?"
And you, Mister Mayor, complained about "what kind of people we have [in Thayer]." You have repeatedly called citizens of Thayer "lowlifes" behind their backs, and as recently as yesterday, when you thought I couldn't hear you, you referred to me as (pardon the language, folks; this is the mayor's word, not mine) "dumbass." Again, you did not have the courage to say it to my face.
I have even received an anonymous threat of violence, simply for going to council meetings and letting people know what happened there. And oh, yes, Mister Mayor, I know EXACTLY where it came from.
And you, Buddy Rogers, have been so afraid of making waves that you didn't stand up to them and put a stop to it. That makes you as much a part of the problem as they are.
So my question is a two-parter.
1. What is it about citizens being informed and holding you accountable that makes you so angry?
2. And I remind the three of you that I and other citizens like me are your employers. Now let me ask you -- if YOU had an employee that treated you the way you treat US, wouldn't you fire him?
Labels: Allen Deckard, Bob Grimes, Buddy Rogers, election, informed citizenry, mayor's race, threat of violence
# posted by The Last American @ 8:42 AM