The South Missourian News:
Judge Evans did not ponder the ruling long.
“I have to disagree with your attorney. This is my decision. You have a bad history; you have some bad charges against you. You have made some bad judgements and did some bad things,” the judge said. “You messed up when I let you out to serve with the National Guard and then made another bad judgement since you have been in prison.”
Evans said he didn’t think Ashford had learned his lesson. “You are still showing bad judgement and are still making mistakes. The probation request is going to be denied. I am going to release you from the seven year sentence and sentence you to only four years in the MDC. You need to grow up and have respect for others and their property,” Judge Evans said.
This comes after the inmate's involvement in hanging four nooses from the bunks of African-American inmates. And it comes after he was granted parole once but couldn't stay out of trouble.
It really shouldn't come as any surprise that others see us as kind of backward. When you reduced a sentence from 11 years to 4 years for BAD BEHAVIOR, backward is the only way to describe it.
Especially considering when you have a prosecutor that acts as a character witness for the defense:
Evans then asked Oregon County Prosecuting Attorney Fred O’Neill what he thought regarding the request of the MDC.
“Personally, I don’t think what he did is worth 11 years in prison. The final decision will be that of yours, Judge Evans. I think we should let Mr. Ashford tell his story,” the prosecutor said.
And here I thought it was the job of the prosecutor to
prosecute, not to aid in the defense. Silly me.
# posted by The Last American @ 8:57 AM