In their regular monthly meeting June 12, 2007, the Thayer City Council met in the council room of Thayer city hall at 7:00 PM. All Aldermen and Mayor Merle Williams were present, as well as Thayer city clerk Melissa Webber.
In routine, procedural matters, the council
1. Approved minutes of the May 8th regular meeting.
2. Approved paying bills for the month of May 2207.
3. Approved the minutes of the Fire Department meeting.
4. Accepted the Financial Statement.
5. Accepted the April report of the Municipal Court, which collected $4709.15.
In new business,
1. Under public participation, a citizen reported damage to her retaining wall from a city crew and asked about the procedure for getting it repaired.
2. BNSF Railroad gave a presentation in support of closing the road by the police station. Questions arose about the only other access to Warm Fork Park being across private property. BNSF estimated that in the near future, as many as 50 trains a day will be going through Thayer, some with as many as 175 cars. Closing the crossing would be a safety issue and would end the requirement that the trains blow their horns in town. The railroad would build a small bridge allowing access to businesses that already use that road, and would put up a fence to stop pedestrians from crossing the tracks. Some people in town walk wherever they go, and use the crossing to go to Town & Country grocery store, so that they don’t have to walk on the highway. Closing the crossing will be an inconvenience to them, but with 50 trains a day, some of them 175 cars long, many of which remain stopped for a long time, blocking the crossing, it is unlikely there would be much opportunity to cross the tracks anyway. Alderman Mike Harber said he would like to look over the private property issues and suggested tabling any action until a special meeting next week. The council agreed.
3. The council agreed to have the city provide the labor for Air Evac to install a helipad at the Industrial Park. Air Evac agreed to provide the materials.
4. The mileage rate for travel expenses for city employees was raised to 45 cents a mile.
5. Police Chief Frank Bernard reported the police department policy on seat belt use by officers.
6. Kenny Moore’s dumping contract was renewed.
7. The council agreed to seek bids for a city audit.
8. The council agreed to erect No Parking signs for a problem section of Green Avenue.
9. The council passed two ordinances that will allow the city to continue with grants for the sidewalk project.
In old business, the council agreed to seek bids on surplus equipment, including a dump truck and bucket truck.
Departmental Supplies were approved, with the exception of $495 for three loads of road base rock for the water department. Alderman Steve Alford reported his department has mountains of similar materia, and would like the water department to take a look at it and see if it would make an adequate substitute. If acceptable, this would save the city almost $500.
The council then voted to go into closed session.
Labels: City Council, city work crews
# posted by The Last American @ 8:43 AM