Standing room only as new council members sworn in.
A crowd of about 50 people packed the council room at Thayer City Hall for the April council meeting. Outgoing alderman Buddy Rogers presided over the meeting until the new members, elected April 3, were sworn in. Mayor Allen Deckard and alderman Bob Grimes, both defeated at the ballot box, did not attend the meeting.
City clerk Rosie Simpson swore in the new mayor, Merle Williams, and the two new aldermen, Junior Brewer and Joe Barbee. The council then received certification of the election results, and unanimously voted to accept them.
The council reviewed financial statements and accepted them as presented.
The council voted to appoint alderman Steve Alford as Mayor Pro-Tem. This authorizes Alford to preside over council meetings should the mayor be unable to attend.
The council then unanimously selected Joe Barbee to serve as council treasurer.
The council then voted to hire as Pool Manager Jennifer Hobbs, a position she has held since 1994. Hers was the only application received after the city advertised the vacancy. The council then reviewed the new pool admission fees, discussed at an earlier meeting, and voted to accept them.
King Johns/Bobby Ryan Jr.'s dumping contract with the city was renewed with unanimous support.
Discussion of a Highway Patrol request to move the driver's license examinations to city hall, due to accessibility issued, led to the council agreeing to each inspect the current facility at the back of the police department to see if it can be modified to meet the Highway Patrol's accessibility requirements.
Watershed issues on Sunset were brought to the council's attention. The council agreed to seek input from city workers and affected residents to see what can be done about the problem there.
A new feature was added to the council meetings, a segment set aside for "Public Participation." Mayor Williams explained that this is time allocated for citizens to address the council with any concerns they might have.
Kenny Moore brought to the council's attention a sewer problem behind his house that leads to the sewer backing up every weekend. Alderman Alford assured Mr. Moore he would get with the appropriate city department and see about getting the problem fixed.
Two separate incidents regarding the fire department were brought up. In both cases, the department was thanked for their prompt and professional action in putting out fires and containing damage.
Ron Cornelius, representing the Thayer Chamber of Commerce, addressed the council, announced the chamber meets Wednesdays at noon at the Country Cottage, and invited council members to attend the meetings. Cornelius also announced Dogwood Days is scheduled for May 5th.
Police Chief Frank Bernard announced the Click It or Ticket campaign will be from May 21 to June 3 this year, with special emphasis on the state's booster seat law.
Simpson relayed a request from the Solid Waste District Board that mayor Williams occupy a seat on that board. The council unanimously voted for Williams to become a member.
Mark Arnold sought permission from the council to proceed with an application for a 5% matching grant to acquire a new vehicle for the fire department. The council voted to allow him to proceed.
After going into closed session to discuss personnel matters, the council returned to open session and announced the resignation of city employee Gary Barton.
Labels: meetings, Thayer City Council
# posted by The Last American @ 8:53 AM