The rest of their article is located
[Update: Apparently, they've moved it. Unless they move it again, it's
If Thayer's mayor Allen Deckard is going to attempt to undermine the will of the voters, the voters need to know about it.
I have an email in to the Missouri Municipal League with some questions the SMN should have asked about the matter but didn't. Here is the text of that email:
Question about Missouri 4th-class cities.
Here in Thayer, we have a situation. The mayor has asked three city
council members to resign and I have a few questions about this.
1. Does he have the authority to ask elected councilmen to resign?
2. Is there a procedure by which he could have them removed from the council if they refuse?
3. If they resign, that would leave the mayor himself and one councilman on the council, which is 2/5 of the full council. Can the council conduct business without a quorum?
4. If they resign, does the mayor then get to appoint his own choices to the
council? Isn't that a conflict of interest?
Thank you in advance for your help on this matter.
# posted by The Last American @ 9:01 AM