Dennis Redmon, representing the Thayer Community [*ahem*] Betterment Association, addressed the Thayer City Council at their meeting last night.
Once again, they want to put a sales tax increase on the ballot, to hire an economic developer for the city. He suggested November or April.
The Association also wants to do away with city real estate and personal property taxes and replace them with an additional sales tax.
The Council agreed to meet with the Chamber of Commerce and work out a ballot proposal to possibly place on the April ballot.
How many
times do we have to
tell these people "No"?Dennis Redmon was on the radio this morning. I'll paraphrase what he said, but it was along the lines of "One way or another, we [the TCBA] are going to get an economic developer." Despite the fact that the majority of voters in Thayer don't want one. We like capitalism; we don't want to turn Thayer into a European-style socialist economy.
In other business, the council opened bids for scrap metal and awarded the bid to G&T Recycling for $702.
They increased the charge for water meter service from the current $190 to $325 on a unanimous vote from the council.
Council Bill 995, dealing with weeds and other nuisances, was approved unanimously, and another bill dealing with restricting parking was tabled due to errors in it.
# posted by The Last American @ 9:05 AM