. . . in time to include in the paper before the election. I present it, not as an endorsement, but rather to inform you what the paper didn't want you to see.
Re-elect Robert Steve Alford as Alderman South Ward, City of Thayer, Mo.
I have been a resident of the City of Thayer for 20 years. My wife, Janet Tucker Alford, and I attend Victory Freewill Baptist Church in Alton, Missouri.
I voted to place the ½ cent sales tax on the ballot to be decided by the people. It was turned down, making it obvious the citizens didn’t believe we need sales tax to hire an economic director. I also voted against the one cent sales tax increase due to the fact that the voters had previously voted down the half cent sales tax. The citizens had spoken.
The city council should consider that a vast majority of citizens in our city are senior citizens on fixed incomes that cannot stand financially with increases in taxes and utility bills.
I also voted no to the city of Thayer having a city manager. As it turned out, Thayer, being a 4th class city, was not allowed by the state to have a city manager.
I would appreciate your vote and support.
Thank you,
Robert Steve Alford
# posted by The Last American @ 8:55 AM