Mayor Allen Deckard and City Manager Administrator Gary Barton were not present for the meeting.
The following items were approved unanimously by the four present city council members:
1. Proceed with land sales for tax delinquent properties.
2. Awarding the winning bid on surplus items.
3. Annexation of Highway 63 South to the state line.
4. Outside watering.
5. Change to city law dealing with minors and liquor.
6. Definition of emergency vehicles and the requirements of drivers when near emergency vehicles.
7. Application for USDA grant for a police car.
8. Application for USDA grant for cages and camera in emergency vehicles.
9. Permission to apply for a roughly $200,000 grant for a city fire truck. The city’s share would be 5%, or about $10,000.
10. Approval of payment for departmental supplies.
11. Advertising for pool manager.
A proposed electric rate increase was tabled to allow the council members to gather more information on the topic.
A proposed water rate increase was not voted upon, due to the lack of a motion to bring it to a vote.
Problems with the sewer line for a residence on Arch Street, and the runaround the city was giving the occupants of that residence, were brought before the council. Bob Grimes and Buddy Rogers agreed to inspect the property the next day to see what can be done.
# posted by The Last American @ 8:35 AM