In this week's dead-tree copy (but not yet in the online version) of the South Missourian News, we find on the front page a story, "
Thayer seeks grants."
It begins,
"Thayer city [Manager]employee Gary Barton announced last week he will be submitting an application for a Transportation Enhancement Funds grant from the Missouri Department of Transportation."
The grants are supposedly to build more sidewalks. As if we truly need more sidewalks. He doesn't know how much the grant will be, but suggests a range anywhere from $25,000 to $250,000.
The kicker is that the grants require a 20% match from the city. Where will the city's 20% come from? Using his own speculation, that part could be anywhere from $5,000 to $50,000. Does the city have fifty thou just lying around that we don't know about?
Doing a project just because you can get a grant to pay 80% is akin to spending your last five dollars to buy a product you don't need or especially want just because you have a coupon for it.
Prior to the February 14th city council meeting, beginning at 6:45 PM in the council room at Thayer city hall, there will be a public meeting with a question and answer session about the grant application.
I'll be there. I hope you are, too.
2.10.06 Update: The SMN has
the story posted online now.
# posted by The Last American @ 9:13 AM