In today's
SMN, an article by Jan Sisk Lawrence, titled
Election ballots set, mentions the following (emphasis mine, not theirs):
County boards
Ambulance - Oregon County Clerk Gary Hensley has announced no one has filed for either of the two positions open on the county ambulance board. He said two candidates will be chosen as write-in candidates. Hensley said the candidates chosen will have to accept the position.
Have to? Are we resorting to involuntary indentured servitude now?
I keep thinking surely I'm misinterpreting this, or maybe it's a typo of some sort, or maybe it was taken out of context. But then I think, in what context is this
not a civilian draft?
Again, this isn't in their online edition yet, so if you want to see for yourself, you'll have to get a dead-tree copy.
# posted by The Last American @ 8:48 AM