Some of this blog's readers have asked me that question, brought on by Ron Cornelius' moving his business to Mammoth Spring.
You have to wonder, with all the empty buildings here in Thayer, isn't there ONE that would have suited his purposes?
You also have to wonder, how committed to "Thayer Commuunity Betterment" he is if he's willing to abandon the city for greener pastures.
The TCBA is rather secretive about their membership (maybe because it is, in my humble opinion, a sham organization fronting for the Chamber of Commerce), so I don't know how complete this list is:
Ron Cornelius: Owns
Allen American Realty. No longer in the Thayer City Limits.
Harvey Allen: Allen Law Office, inside Thayer City Limits.
Sam Currier: Warm Fork Woodlands,
north of Thayer.
Jim Hart:
The Tek Shop, inside Thayer City Limits.
Dennis Redmon:
Bank of Thayer, physically inside Thayer City Limits, but partnered with Howell County Bank.
Allen Deckard: Mayor.
Sheila Smith: Thayer Senior Citizens Center.
Donna Franz: Thayer School Counselor.
I have to wonder if
that's why they're so willing to raise
our sales taxes -- most of
their businesses
don't have to charge Thayer sales taxes.
You can check the addresses of the Chamber of Commerce member businesses
here. Those that don't have PO Boxes, anyway. Just click the "Members" tab at the top of the page.
# posted by The Last American @ 8:39 AM